
Blending innovation with tradition.

The Founder

My name is Ethan, and I love sushi. I have always loved sushi. I had my first Nigiri when I was two years old, and ever since it has been a staple of my life. While I was studying, I got the chance to spend a semester abroad in Tokyo. It was incredible, although I must admit, I spent significantly more time eating sushi than studying. When I returned home however, I encountered a problem. After four months of eating the best sushi in the world, the local sushi restaurants I returned to were unappealing. So, I did the only thing that made sense: learned to make my own sushi. I will be honest; the first attempt was nearly inedible. The rice was overcooked, my vinegar was too salty, and my roll split in half while I was cutting it. But I didn’t give up, and the next time was a little bit better. Now, several years later, I would not call myself a sushi master, but, after working at some of the best restaurants in Europe, at least my rolls stay together after I cut them. I had to learn the hard way, and at many times when I stared down at the 30 or 40 cucumbers on my cutting board, I wished there was a better and more efficient way to prepare them. So, I took it upon myself to design, build, test, and launch my flagship product: the Kappa Kanpeki. Now I hope to share my inventions with the world to help other sushi chefs and sushi enthusiasts to save time and energy while preserving the spirit of the Japanese traditions from where I draw my inspiration.